The file appears to be damaged. Please contact Eureka Software Inc. ( for assistance.
The universe could not be reverted because the corresponding file could not be found (it may have been renamed, moved or deleted).
The universe file could not be found (it may have been renamed, moved or deleted). A new file will be created in the original location.
Universe save failed. Please contact Eureka Software Inc. ( for assistance.
Out of memory! There is not enough free memory to edit a body. Try closing existing windows or increasing the application’s memory partition.
Out of memory! There is not enough free memory to create a new body. Try closing existing windows or increasing the application’s memory partition.
Out of memory! There is not enough free memory to grow the universe window. Try closing existing windows or increasing the application’s memory partition.
Out of memory! There is not enough free memory to edit a universe. Try closing existing windows or increasing the application’s memory partition.
Out of memory! There is not enough free memory to open a new universe. Try closing existing windows or increasing the application’s memory partition.
Out of memory! There is not enough free memory to create a new universe. Try closing existing windows or increasing the application’s memory partition.